Quick Q & A with Life Coach Tommy

What is the number one take away you hope your clients have after one of your Life Coach coaching sessions?

Man, there are a multitude of take aways and it really depends on where my client’s at in the process and really their life. But if I had to choose just one, I’d say that I hope that they feel empowered by the idea that they, personally, have the tools and power to create positive permanent momentum in their lives. I love the a-ha! moment I see in my client’s eyes when they connect with that idea and can feel a new spark of energy that positive change IS possible. Every session is concluded with attainable action items and I hope that my clients realize that all of the action items I help them set are possible.

Why did you choose Life Coaching?

I’ve encountered too many people that have convinced themselves that they aren’t deserving of a positive life. Many of these people have accepted that life is just supposed to be a negative experience (it’s also how I was raised…the ole ‘life sucks and then you die’ adage). I’ve always wanted to show people that all of these limiting beliefs simply aren’t true and I love the challenge of showing them how these limiting beliefs have created patterned behavior that MUST be overcome in order to move to the next level. As trite and cliche as this may sound, I really do want to help people realize their FULL potential by helping them empower their mind and heart and create positive momentum for their life. Because the reality is that life CAN be a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be an overall negative experience and no one needs to simply admit defeat.

If someone chose not to use Life Coaching, what is one piece of advice you would give them?

Whatever you do in this life, create goals for yourself and WRITE THEM DOWN. Keep yourself accountable and give yourself credit for your wins. Give your life purpose by creating positive goals and writing those goals down, get them out of your head and on to a piece of paper. Then commit to those goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them. And, no matter what, stay inspired and stay the course!

Life Coach Tommy is a Certified Life Coach based out of Sherman Oaks, CA and serves Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. You can get back to the home page by clicking HERE

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