The Power of ‘Why’ in Goal-Setting – the ultimate motivational force


How do I set life goals?     How do I achieve my life goals?

Goal setting, goal setting, goal setting! Whether my clients are going through business coaching or fitness coaching, SETTING goals is one of the most important first steps to achieve success and bring those life goals to the next level! Goals accomplishment is one of my deep specialties and the most value I bring to my life coaching clients. It’s also one of the fundamental foundations of what a life coach does for their clients. Setting goals, committing to the goals (through action items and milestones), and achieving those goals.

The first and foremost step to establishing a goal is to WRITE IT DOWN. Get it out of your head and onto a sheet of paper. My favorite thing is when a client comes to me with a new goal and I ask, “Have you written it down?” When they respond, no, I jokingly call them out and ensure they write it down right then and there to get it out of their head and on to paper.

As an example, let’s say your goal is to bring in three more clients TODAY. If this is one of your goals, then, right now, take out a long sheet of paper and, at the very top write, “I want to bring in three new clients today.”

You now have this goal out of your head and into the Universe and you can see it, right there in front of you. You can visualize it.

Next step: underneath where you’ve written your goal (in this case we’ve written down, “I want to bring in three new clients today.”) write out the word, ‘Why?’ and then reflect on that. Why DO you want to bring in three new clients today? Take some time and really brainstorm the reasons why you want to bring in three new clients today. It’s very important to establish a powerful ‘why’ to support your goal. Otherwise, you simply have a goal and nothing to support it. Why, why, why. Why do you want these three new clients? Why today? Take a moment and write out a paragraph as to why it is you want these three new clients.

Third step: After you’ve written down your goal, and you’ve written out your strong ‘why’, underneath your why paragraph, write out the question, “How?” so that we can focus on HOW you’re going to achieve this goal. Really think about this and write out, at minimum, 5 steps on how you can achieve this goal. Write out 5 things you can commit to without any reservation to help you achieve this goal. You can write out 20 steps, you can write out 15, it’s up to you, but write out at least 5 steps to help you really dig and brainstorm what you’ll need to do to accomplish this goal.

So far you have your goal written down, you’ve established a strong and powerful ‘why’ and you’ve written out at least 5 things that show how you’re going to accomplish your goal. The last step is to go back to the top of the paper where you wrote out your goal, take your pen or pencil and scratch out the word “WANT” and replace it with the word “WILL” so that it reads, “I WILL bring in three new clients today.”

Whenever you say or write that you “want” something, you’re not pushing yourself to achieve that something, you’re simply creating a want for it. When you tell yourself (and the Universe) that you WILL do something, yourself and the Universe will take note. The gears in your brain suddenly move and spin in a direction to help you out, to figure this out.

Now take this sheet of paper and place it somewhere where you can view it every single day. Your fridge, your computer, your workstation, your front door, any place where you’ll see it every day so that it can serve as a reminder that this is a commitment you made with yourself.

Life Coach Tommy is a Certified Life Coach based out of Sherman Oaks, CA and serves Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. You can get back to the home page by clicking HERE

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